News & Media

Welcome Giselle, Emily-Claire and Ethan!
May 04, 2020
The Heyne group welcomes our three summer undergraduate students: Giselle Lin, Ethan Pezoulas and Emily-Claire Docking. With the UofC "working from home" guidelines, they are going to experience a whole new type of summer internship by doing remote work and a lot of Zoom meetings.

Good job Sophia for your successful M.Sc. defense!
April 06, 2020
Sophia Roth gave her final M.Sc. seminar on April 1st - the first Heyne group Zoom final talk! You did an amazing job. Thank you to everyone who attended remotely! Then, she successfully defended her thesis on April 6th. Congratulations, Master Sophia!

Belinda gave an inspiring keynote lecture to high school students on nanotechnologies
February 22, 2020
Belinda gave a highly engaging keynote lecture on the wonders of nanotechnologies at the Let's Talk Science event organized by Cyrus and Olga, graduate students in our lab and executive members of the UofC nanoGroup, that was held on the UofC campus (EEEL Building) on Saturday, February 22nd. This event gathered dozens of high school students from Calgary who participated in several workshops facilitated by Shauna on an array of nano-topics, such as the fascinating aggregation behaviour of gold nanoparticles.

Belinda hosted the Calgary's IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast
February 12, 2020
Scientists from around the world were invited to participate in the IUPAC 2020 Global Women’s Breakfast (GWB2020). This global event was held on a single day, February 12, 2020, one day after the United Nations Day of Women and Girls in Science. The overall purpose of GWB2020 is to establish an on-going virtual network where women in the chemical and related sciences can connect with each other in a meaningful way to support their professional aspirations and to develop leadership skills. The theme for GWB2020 was “Building bonds to create future leaders”.
Women and men from all types of educational and scientific organizations from high schools to universities, to scientific societies, government and industry organizations were welcome to join our breakfast in Calgary - we even played with Legos!

Nicolas and Vladimir's paper just accepted in J. Phys. Chem. C!
January 20, 2020
Nicolas' last paper in the group on the plasmon-enhancement of singlet oxygen production was just accepted in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. This paper showcase one of the rare examples of a meta-analysis performed on a series of nanoparticles to gain insights on their plasmonic mechanism. Congratulations!

Vladimir is joining the Murphy's lab for an internship!
January 12, 2020
Vladimir received a NSERC Michael-Smith foreign study supplement to spend a semester in Catherine Murphy's laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Good luck on making some cool gold nanorods, Vlad!

Nicolas defended his Ph.D.!
December 16, 2019
Nicolas successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis! Thank you to the committee members, Dr. Max Anikovskiy, Dr. Simon Trudel, Dr. Raymond Turner and Dr. Denis Boudreau (external, Université Laval). To celebrate, the group gathered in one of Nicolas' favourite place in downtown Calgary: Cucina Market Bistro. Congratulations, Dr. Macia!

Vladimir published in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
October 20, 2019
Our international collaboration with the Lovell's group (University at Buffalo) resulted in a thorough investigation on the partitioning of singlet oxygen's lifetime when produced by photosensitizers located inside liposomes.

Nicolas, Vladimir and Mélanie published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
January 01, 2020
Plasmonics has the potential to boost the efficiency of several technologies, from catalysis to solar cells. To this day, most plasmonic materials are made based on a trial and error approach. In this article published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, PhD students Nicolas Macia and Vladimir Kabanov, and RISE intern Mélanie Côté-Cyr working in Dr. Belinda Heyne's group established a set of guidelines in the design of hybrid metal nanoparticles used as plasmonic platforms for enhancing the singlet oxygen production of common photosensitizer molecules that are promising candidates as more efficient antimicrobial agents. (Roles of Near- and Far-Fields in Plasmon-Enhanced Singlet Oxygen Production, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 3654).

Nicolas won a presentation award at the 102nd CCCE in Québec City!
June 07, 2019
Nicolas won the Springer Nature Student Presentation Award at the 102nd CCCE (Québec City) for his presentation "Plasmon-Enhanced Singlet Oxygen Production Using Hybrid Silver, Gold and Alloy Nanoparticles" in the symposium Photocatalysis: Spectroscopy and Applications.
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